Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dear JohnLennonfan (pt.3-iThink)

Thank you for your contribution of the story page. I'm glad you deciphered anagram of who Pat Return was. The was it was anagrams, I don't think his IQ can work out that it means him. To humiliate him farther, I need you to do a favor. Do you think you could bring your yearbook to school? I need to borrow it, so I can scan his signature on my computer and post it on this site. That should torcher him. Then we could laugh at him behind his back. Besides you, the only one who knows about this site, besides the government of course, is I. E. Vladd (his name is scrambled up.) See if you can decode that.
By the way, to join, click on that 'Follow' icon with 'Google friend connect thing. Create an account among the choices or sign in, and that's it.
Yours Un-Truly,


  1. I know who I.E. Vladd is. He is the second person on the followers(I will not put full name for privacy). I will try to get the yearbook to you be we must plan ahead. also would you please answer these comments I posted a while back(the first is about the debates you wanted to get to):
    1. depends what your aim is on that one but yes2.depends on why 3. go and get another one
    P.S. I learned a way for you to make money so post and I shall tell you
    P.P.S. Sorry but I check this every other day so I couldn't talk to you

    July 26, 2010 4:42 PM
    Dr. J.P.G. Ringo, Ph.D. said...
    Wizard I was reading the other day about people's IQs and here are some high ones that follow:
    1. Da Vinci= 220
    2. Goethe= 210
    3. William James Sidis/ John Stuart Mill= 200
    4. Charles Dickens= 180
    5. Mozart/ John Lennon(Lennon questioned by some because of lack of evidence)= 165
    6. Einstein/ Professor Steven Hawking= 160
    P.S. do you think I'm a genius

  2. Wizard, recently I've participated in the contest, so you might want to take my answers of the Contest page.
