Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dear J.P.G Ringo, PH.D,

Hello, J.P.G Ringo, PH.D, a.k.a N.N, I am responding. I have no idea what to say except you have reached me and that I had read your message. I am talking to you. Right now. I am still waiting. This is boring. Okay. I guess I should say 'blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah,blah, blah, blah, and blah' to fill up this post to look like we are actually talking.  So we are talking still... This is just stupid. How can someone actually talk to a PH.D like you if there's nothing to talk about? Well, we could.....I maybe....who it.
Let's start over. First of all, now I just thought of a topic. Three topics in fact.
1. Should all drugs be legalized?
(We have started discussing this but Mr. S.B.T never actually organized the debate. I suspect he was just telling us to form sides to make us have something to do in English class seeing it was the last few weeks of school.)
2. Should our president have the authority to shut down the Internet when he wants to?
(This particular topic has torn people apart. As it was said, "Those who give up liberty for safety shall deserve neither." On the other hand, our president should have the power to shut down the Internet because they are the creators and also they only want the best for our country. These points should give you something to think about.)
3. What do you do when your Spinneydervische gets chopped off?
(Think off the similar process when a butcher cuts up a really big giant weenie.)
Since you are a PH.D, you should not have trouble telling me of your opinion about these topics. The last topic should be the easiest one to give an opinion on. (Sad, sad, weenier would soon get infected.)
As comments for this post, give me your opinion. This shall be interesting indeed. Let the debates start!

Yours Never Truly,
a.k.a The Creator

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