Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wanted: Dancing Banana

From the international crime head quarters of the state. Have you spotted Cafeteria's #1 Most Wanted Villain, Dancing Banana? He known to be armed with a baseball bat.
Here is a clip showing the last crime he committed before he was arrested.

As if trouble was not already bad enough, the Dancing Banana* has escaped custody on his way to Banana Split Prison. He was last spotted assaulting a Mr. Dole Banana. Under speculation, he was supposed to be hitching a ride on a Banana Grocery Delivery Truck. Beware your Groceries. Caution when buying your bananas. Do not leave your house unless necessary. This is a warning from the Fast Food Protection Association. And this message is approved for your safety.
:)   :)   :)
*This message is just for laughs. In case of emergency that Bananas do invade, call 911. We are not responsible for those kind of incidents.

Emo Symphony

Hint: Watch the kid's hand


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lost Pages

I was looking and throwing out some of my junk when I found a pieces of a mini booklet I made shortly after the creation of The Journal of Three Nerds. Well, I found loose pages scattered around and all. I thought they might be interesting so here:

Saturday, June 26, 2010



Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Beatles Backmasking

To make up for the three day absence, I have more great things to show you. I'm a huge Beatles fan. I bet you can tell already from the descriptions above this blog. But who knew that they were a band that actually did backmasking on purpose. There are rumours. But what can be true? In my last post, I posted a video that explained backmasking. It also gave you not one, but five great and famous examples of this. If you have not seen it yet, go to the Post titled Summer Bore Backmasking. Anyways here are some exclusive videos explaining the secrets of the Beatles' Alleged Backmasking. Help, I am the Walrus, Strawberry Field Forever, and more! FUNNY :) :) :)


And then here's a sequel to that first Backmasking video I had. You've seen some examples already but there are some new ones.


Summer Bore Backmasking

Summer has officially started, and so people are usually all outside. Maybe at the beach and all, but not me. I don't want to go anywhere. I'm fine, staying at home with my eyes glued to the computer screen, playing games all day long. I guess I'm a couch potato.

Anyways, I was looking forward to the summer because it's a time of rest and a break for me. But now that the time is really finally here, I'm board. I'm just moping around the house the whole day doing completely nothing. Gosh! I felt stuck, like a prisoner at home. I really don't get things. When I'm in school, I long to be out, when I'm out I long to be in. I really don't know what to expect or do over this summer. I guess that's the reason why I just play games all day long. The days are supposed to be shorter in the summer, but all it does is make it seem longer.
A thought comes to mind: When will it end?

Well, enjoy this video. Hooray for BACKMASKING!!!:

Friday, June 18, 2010

Don't forget. A new link to play Wacman 2.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Baman and Piderman

Meet Baman and Piderman. Two over-weight, and non-athletic wanna-be super heroes, trying to be like Batman and Spiderman. As two 'bestist' friends, together they have insanely IDIOTIC adventures. Staring in short films, you can already learn a lot about them. First of all, they have no brains, and two, their all flabby and fat. The cartoon follows their lives and several others who inhabit a white, empty landscape. The characters' adventures are often surreal, and the humor depicted in the show has drawn both criticism and admiration. Part of a new series by Mondo Media Minishows, it is another success like Dr.Tran, and Happy Tree Friends.

Stupid, funny, and ridiculous. What more is there to say?

And here's another one. Let's see what you think.

I guess this show is just truly stupid. Well, this is dumb...
More pointless IQ rotting episodes comming soon for da site.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite

I spent a long time debating which song should be the song of the month. I originally picked this song. Well, there cant be any harm in having Songs of the month.Hope you enjoy it. It's from the new Beatles Rockband game.

Sunday, June 13, 2010



Saturday, June 12, 2010

Triple-Dog-Dare and Then Some

Go on, first of all, I'd like to triple-dog -dare you to poke the penguin. Click on it multiple times. Something else happems everytime:

Anyways, I've noticed Waman 2 isnt getting any better then before because of all the content on this site, so here's a better way to play it. Click on the link and it'll take you to the original site where I first published it. On the site, it'll have better quality and it won't freeze or slow down.

Cheats will be released very soon...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Potter Puppet Pals

Introducing Potter Puppet Pals. Starting out as a fun hobby Neil Cicierega, the creator posted these videos on youtube. It's funny. And 100 percent okay for all ages.

Pokemon Game Update

The latest installment in Nintendo's hugely successful game series, Pokémon, will hit English-speaking shelves from Spring 2011.
In a press release issued by Nintendo on the 28th of May confirmed that the next generation of Pokémon games will hit international shelves from Spring 2011.
Black and White Mascots Confirmed
In addition to the announced release date, Nintendo also announced the identities of the mascots for the two games.
“It’s rare to find a franchise with such worldwide appeal and dedicated fans as Pokémon,” Laurent Fischer, a director at Nintendo, spoke of the series' popularity. Fischer also spoke of the company's excitement to be introducing "an all-new generation of Pokémon" to faithful fans.
Black Version's mascot will be the legendary Pokémon Reshiram. The mascot appears to be a large, towering white beast, featuring wings, no arms, a large, fat tail and the face of a wolf. The overall look of the legendary is not unlike that of previous mascots Palkia and Dialga. While no information has been released regarding the Pokémon's abilities, attacks or physiology, the word Shiram reportedly translates to "growing light" in English, perhaps hinting toward the Pokémon being a "good" Pokémon.
Zoroark: Dark Type Illusionary Fox Pokémon
is one of the many new creatures to be released.
[They look horrible compared to the old original ones]

To celebrate, here's a funny video for 12+. A little of the emo side but it's great:

Store Available

NOW presenting the Keeperhaven Store. Go to the page marked 'books' and now you can see all the books I made now available! Search the catalog and also, Journal of three Nerds is now out!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


It's an all new advance on the blog! Now available is the Keeperhaven Chat Room. Locate your friends, create a name, and chat. It's all free!

Videos Page

It's getting crowded on this page so I'm making a Videos page. Look there to see the final parts of the Yellow Submarine movie and other favorites like that Poke'mon spoof I showed few days ago.
By the way, Wacman 2 is now operational. Since the game is huge, it'll take longer to load. It might slow down a lot if you replay. But all together, it's still good and now OK.

Journal of the three Nerds Count-Down-Event#3

This time as Part three to the celebration, these videos are funnier but bloody. Anybody 12-above may see this video. Anyone else who is younger, beware. These videos have extremly violent parts. I'm warning you now that the videos are seriously out of their mind gruesome. However, they are incredibly funny. I was on my knees when I saw them all. OKay, to get on buisness, here we are: Number 1 on the list is Happy Tree Friends. Don't underestimate the cute little characters. Who knows what'll happen to them!?!

Now see the cut critters in a real episode. A friendly ball game ends up in a coffin and six feet under:

Explore Klay world. The Klay people, from discovering the lost pancake mines to being secret snippers, they always have great funny tales to tell and they're always bloody.:

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pointless Ramblings Of Some Sort

Looks like I found myself a doodle page when my friends and I were making the book. Well, after improvising it and all, I scanned it in and now all of you can see it. Click on the image below to see it in a more larger sort of format. The picture isn't all that much, but I think it's kind of cool to see how the story evolved since then. Especially when Alexander, the leader nerd gets his head dunked into a toilet. ***spoiler***
Anyways, school is finally drawing to a close. No, I'm not out yet. I guess the only thing I can do is count till the last days of school. Other people are lucky. They're already out. I guess that's what happens when you go to a private school. Oh well, I guess the only good thing is that I get to hang around with my friends a little longer. Bad side is that, I don't have that many people I really call 'friends'. I have a sad, sad life. Maybe I have one or two 'friends' but that's it. In fact, Journal of Three Nerds was really sort of a realistic/fiction kind of book. Those are based on stories of the misadventures I endure through my daily life. Well, at least there's no more homework over the summer. Freedom.

Problem is that I think I'm going to be stuck at home all summer. Rats...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wacman #3 Delay

Sorry. There is currently a problem with the development of the game process. Looks like the wait to publish the game is going to be longer than we thought. It might take a few days to fix the mess, but stay patient. The game will be released in a week's time after the Journal of three Nerds. We are busy with all the special preparation for the book, but we will try to get the game's release in time. Also, I must warn you that Wacman II:World Adventures will be currently out of service. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Journal of the three Nerds Count-Down-Event#2

Okay, welcome to Part Two of the celebration of the coming up book. Once again, I searched the Internet for more funnies. I've a couple more videos. Not quite as great as the first few I released, but I guess these will do. At least they have some meaning to it:

Whoops. That had no point to it at all. ONLY a beer bottle cap battle against a fox and a chicken. I was rooting for the fox to win. It was actually pretty good and all considering the way the short was animated and all. Never mind, this is the one with the moral lesson. The song they used to accompany the animation is catchy a bit. I guess it's up to you if you like it or not:

Journal of the three Nerds Count-Down-Event#1

To count down until the great Journal of the three Nerds book, I will be posting tons of stuff. I am now officially announcing: It will be available a week from now. To help get you into the spirit of the event, I therefore present songs from the Charlie the Unicorn shorts that will be sure to tickle your funny-bone. The songs are kind of corny and idiotic, but they are just so dumb that they're actually entertaining and funny. Well, it's time for you to see it for yourself:

Well, it includes all the episode's songs: Candy Mountain Cave, Banana In Your Ear, and Ocean Blue.
The funnies aren't going to stop there. I know every one's heard of Pokemon and we all know there are a lot of them. I mean a lot. So, to celebrate another day, we have a Pokemon spoof. It's a little bit for adults but I guess it's okay. Funny though. See what you think:

(They cussed two times in the song but I don't think anyone noticed.)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Nowhere Man

Featuring another Beatles Cartoon, the Beatles tangle themselves with an old hermit who lives inside a cave. The hermit goes on and starts trying to shoot people with a musket to get them all away from the cave. This is the song of the month.

Again, just click on the tittle to see the movie in another page so you won't hear the Magi Wars game theme song playing in the background.

Family Guy: The Something Something Something Dark Side

Introducing a Family Guy spoof of the Star Wars phenomenon, The Empire Strikes Back. I just viewed it a while ago and it cracked me up. I hope it does the same to you. If your one of those obsessed Star Wars geeks, and you ARE offended, sorry. Anyways, for the rest of you can enjoy fine comedy, I hope you like the film. Just close the advertisement and let the film roll.

By the way, just click on the tittle to see the movie in another page so you won't hear the Magi Wars game theme song playing in the background.